Monday, February 9, 2009

He's Gone

My world has turned to gray -
Your smokey frame melds into the darkness.
She is lost,
But you don't care.
I know it's "her fault," but you could've been...
Gentler, I suppose.
What purpose does it serve to stomp around,
Give people the silent treatment,
Be the one to give a relationship its bad name?
And the thing that hurts worse,
Besides you tearing her apart,
Is that you never said good-bye.
Am I that unimportant to you?
Do you care that little?
Did you forget that we've been a part of each other's lives
For three, four years?
Were you really that unhappy with your life?
So unhappy, in fact, that you disregarded my feelings
And disappeared forever?
Well, good-bye:
I'll be the one to say it.
And good-riddance.