Thursday, April 24, 2008

It Takes Time

You have to give me time.
Not a lot,
But I do need some.
I can't forgive you right away.
You really hurt me.
You made me miserable.
What you said
And what you did -
Well, not everyone would forgive you.
I want to, though.
I really do.
But I need a little time,
So I can.
Please don't be mad.
Please don't give up on me.
Please don't think I'm a lost cause.
It takes time
For the heart to mend.
It takes time
For your words to seem
as if they were never uttered.
It takes time
For people to forget.
It takes time.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Admit It

You're mad at me -
I can tell you are.
You won't admit it,
You even say you aren't,
But I can tell.
You can't lie to me,
Not even to spare my feelings.
I'm a big girl, so just admit it.
I can handle the truth.
I'm sorry if you think I'm wrong.
I'm sorry if you disagree,
But I will not back down
When I think I'm right.
So just admit you're angry.
We'll get through this.
Maybe you'll forgive me,
Maybe you'll see you're wrong.
But whatever way we overcome this,
The first step is telling the truth.
Admit it -
Just admit you're ticked.
Admit it!


I feel so liberated.
I feel amazingly free.
The weight has been lifted
From my aching shoulders.
I can breathe!
This is fantastic, incredible,
This feeling I'm experiencing.
My heart is light.
My head is clear.
You finally know how I feel.
I feel the world is my oyster,
And you are my precious pearl.
I love being so care-free,
If only for a minute,
A moment,
One split second,
Before worry and fear
Crash back down around me.
I feel like I'm on top of the world.
I feel like I'm floating on a cloud.
Maybe this feeling will stay awhile,
Maybe it'll disappear by tomorrow.
So I'm going to enjoy it while I can.
Who knows when I'll feel this way again?
But for now,
The world is my oyster,
And you are my precious pearl.

My Shell

Why can't I trust?
Why is it so difficult?
You've never done me any wrong.
You tell me you love me.
Maybe it's not you I don't trust...
Maybe I don't trust myself.
Maybe I'm scared to love,
To love love unconditionally,
Like you do me.
Am I scared of love?
Why should I be?
Because love is new.
Love is exciting.
Love is exhilarating.
Yet love is...
Is terrifying.
It's full of self-sacrifices,
Full of self-realization.
Maybe that's what I'm scared of.
Of showing people who I am;
Of showing off the true color of my soul;
Of letting myself shine.
And I've got to break out -
Out of my confining, pitch-black shell.
I've got to get free!

Words Hurt

It pains me mercilessly when I think...
...Our friendship is over...
It's over forever.
There's no more going back.
You could have saved it, you know.
You could have, if you'd wanted to.
Then again, I could have, too...
What have I done?
I'll tell you what I've done.
I've let my pride get in the way.
I've waited for you to fix a mistake.
A mistake we both made.
We are both at fault.
And instead of trying to mend it,
I've sat by passively, listlessly,
Watching every chance slowly slip by,
Until now, every chance has melted away.
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But your words - my words -
Have cut deeper
Than mere flesh.